DATES: 11-17 June 2016-------------------------------------(subject to change)
WHERE: Paris
ACCOMMODATION: 3*** hotel, city center, individual beds & 2 per room
WHY: 2nd largest sporting event in the world, 24 nations
COST: $2600 per person as of 12/18/2015 (will only go up)
INCLUDED: flight from usa gateway city & accommodation
NOT INCLUDED: game tickets, food, drink & getting to gateway usa city
DISCOUNT: save $1000 if you book airfare
SIGN UP: mail $2600 check payable to paul freeman on contact tab (non-refundable)
UPGRADE TO PARIS WESTIN HOTEL: 5 nights = $1000 (per person)
WHERE: Paris
ACCOMMODATION: 3*** hotel, city center, individual beds & 2 per room
WHY: 2nd largest sporting event in the world, 24 nations
COST: $2600 per person as of 12/18/2015 (will only go up)
INCLUDED: flight from usa gateway city & accommodation
NOT INCLUDED: game tickets, food, drink & getting to gateway usa city
DISCOUNT: save $1000 if you book airfare
SIGN UP: mail $2600 check payable to paul freeman on contact tab (non-refundable)
UPGRADE TO PARIS WESTIN HOTEL: 5 nights = $1000 (per person)